Mark Marino article

The first feeling that I had while looking at Marino’s article, before even starting reading it, it was that It looked weird, with all of the pictures and the memes, but right after starting reading it I found that it was completely catching my attention, probably even more than a “normal” article. 

Do I think that blogging now is something that is not considered cool? Maybe but there’s a reflexion about it: Blogging is definitely something that is still big, it’s just changed the way people are blogging. Instagram and TikTok give you the possibility to talk about your life, actuality, politics or any other topic in a way that is definitely more interactive and catches the public’s attention.

I also think that “regular blogs” still exist, but if you open your phone or laptop your are not going straight to the browser to search updates about a blog, you go on social media and if you read something interesting and see a link that leads to a blog you are probably following it to keep read about the topic, but it’s kind of your second step.

So why are we using it in classroom? The reason is for sure that it can help you to learn things in an easy and more modern way; reading about a topic from a book is something that will never fade, but in the academic field, find something that can make the learning process easier and quicker is a powerful tool. Also is not something that will be useful only in our academic journey, but it’ll be for sure useful in the future in the work environment: journalism for example in nowadays can be considered as an “online job” and so many other fields require you to have digital skills. 

Mark Marino article →

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