Social Media & the Web – Principles within “a contract for the web

There’s definitely a connection between principles 5 and 8: the focus is for both of them on the user and their privacy online.

Principle 5 want’s to give back to people the possibility to control their own data and decide who can have access to it, minimising the collection of data from companies. It is true to think about the fact that we don’t actually know what is going on with our informations once they are online, that’s why it’ll be important to keep track of them and know who is using them and how.

Otherwise it will never be able for us to “escape” our filter bubble and have access to everything that the web is giving us. We are justing “receiving” a small part of informations rather that what we could possibly see, just because we can’t have access to it, but it’s the web itself, based on our informations, who is deciding what type of contents or news we should see.

Principle 8, is also focusing on the importance of privacy and the creation of a more inclusive web. It’ll be very important and it’ll be our mission to educate the next generations about the use of web, showing them it pros and cons and how important it is to protect their privacy online, to create a safe and organic community in which everyone can fell included. 

Eli Pariser’s TED talk on filter bubbles →

Contract for the web →

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